Dedicated to the understanding of
Itthivay (12th Ang)


Inspired by the Work and Vision of

Hira Publications is a non-profit organization. It is dedicated to the understanding of Itthivay (12th Ang) - an ancient (from India) approach for decision analysis - yet it is very modern approach in the European context and also for artificial intelligence.

The author of most of essays and the translation of the ancient material is Mahendra Kumar Jain. He is Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Delaware. He has also cultivated a parallel interest in the thought processes and devices through which humans reduce the level of doubt and increase the level of certainty through reasoning about the given facts and assumptions as well as the tools...

Hira Publications makes most of the content available for free on the Internet. Moreover, standalone CDs of e-books are available for those interested at a reasonable cost. These proceeds are earmarked for a Primary School in Sadhumar, India. Feedback from the readers is always welcome.