Applications are invited by a foundation that intends to support and recognize original research work on the modern interpretations of Syad (logical doubt), the main theme of the work on this site. The main purpose of these small grants is to provide critical 1-3 years of support needed to complete or extend the scope of the ongoing work by the applicant.
Applications in the following format should be initiated and sent by the applicant who will be doing the work. Suitable applicants, preferably from India, are encouraged to send a complete preliminary application with the following information as an electronic document (.pdf or .doc file) with your e-mail address to
- Outline of the proposed work (1-3 pages).
- Summary of the background work on which the work will be based (1-2 pages).
- Sample of the preliminary work, and/or Summary of the related work completed previously by the applicant.
- Resources already available to the applicant for the proposed work.
- Time and additional resources needed to complete the proposed work.
- Please provide the detailed itemized budget of the planned expenses. Is the application for a grant or a loan for funds to be used for the proposed work?
- Who will benefit from the proposed work? How this work will be presented to the public at large?
- Names and addresses (preferably e-mail) of five independent experts who might be able to evaluate the quality of the proposed work.
Additional inquiries will be made if the proposal is of interest. It is intended that a decision on each promising application will be communicated in 100 to 120 days.
Detailed suggestions for support of original intellectual work in related areas are invited if the work can of benefit to the broader community.
Note that:Inquiries without complete information requested above will not be acknowledged.
Work of fiction or religious rituals will not be considered.